How We Make People Look Awesome

So we have created a post about the top 5 things you should do to be Portrait Ready.

However in this post, I wanted to tell you how we make you look awesome with our knowledge and skills.

We love getting people in front of the camera and making them look awesome!

When I break down the steps we take when working with our clients, there are 4 key elements that go into making people look awesome.

1. The Setup & How We Light Them

We mainly shoot with our own light set ups. Yes we can shoot with natural lighting, however by using our own lights we control the finshed results with out having to rely on where the sun is in the sky.

Also we shoot with one, two or three light set ups, so there is not many set ups we cant handle. Nice big lights with a softbox to help create a nice soft light to capture your best features without just blasting you with light.

2. Talking To Them & Helping Them Feel Relaxed in Front of The Camera

The best part about photographing clients, is the conversations we get to have. No one likes to stand in front of a camera. So the first job I have, is to try and relax my client and get them to forget about the fact we are taking photos but to think of happy events or jokes they have heard in the last few weeks.

3. Talking Them Through Different Poses & Positions So They Look Great

So now they are relaxed in front of the camera, we now need to get them into the right position to look their best.

The trick is to not have them focus too much on getting into the pose we are looking for. If I see that the client is a little tense in the photo, I get them to change up the stance or shake their arms around like they just dont care.

The most important thing which I tell my clients is that if it feels weird, then you are doing it right.

4. Editing Them So They Really Pop Off The Printed or Online Marketing Its Being Used For

Taking the photo is only the middle part of what we do.

When we finish the shoot we get back and upload the images to our back up system and then work on the editing of the images.

Lining up the background to make sure if we have shot team head shots, they all look the same.

We also edit the eyes to make them pop a little plus we clean up the skin when needed and whiten teeth so that smile just shines.

Thats it, we will make you look awesome!

If you want to have an image that will be Creative, Print Ready, Detailed Images - Professionally Shot, Experty Edited, then get in touch today and we can talk over what you need.


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Preparing For A Portrait Shoot