Preparing For A Portrait Shoot

I often get asked by clients what they need to do to look their best for a photo shoot session.

Now although I have called this blog - Preparing For A Portrait Shoot - this applies to any photo shoot session where people will be in the pictures.


Website & Social Media Shoot


So I have a client having some new website images being put together around the training workshops they do. He asked me what should he have the team do to make sure they looked their best on camera…

Here are my Top 5 Tips for Being Portrait Ready

Tip Number 1: Drink Water - More Than You Normally Do


In the 5 days before the shoot, drink at least 6 glasses of water each day. If you already drink 6 glasses of water each day, then try and get yourself to 8 glasses.

Water is great for detoxing the body. Yes the NHS will say that any sugar-free liquids of 8 glasses, which includes Tea & Coffee, are good for you.


However, water is the best bet to detox and have your skin looking fresh. Give it a try and let me know what you think of the difference.

Tip Number 2: Book A Hair Cut

Get yourself booked in for a hair cut or treatment. You know that feeling you get just after having your hair cut? That feeling of walking a little taller and feeling good about yourself.


I was on a shoot a couple of weeks ago and the client really was not happy with his hair in the photos. So while I was photographing the rest of his team, he popped out to get his hair cut.


Now it was more about how he felt he was looking as anyone looking at the photos would have to double take to see the difference when side by side. However saying that, you would be able to see that he looks more confident in the photos after he had his hair cut, so it does work.

Tip Number 3: Have a Shave


Face, legs or under your arms - More importantly, do not rush the shaving otherwise you will end up cutting yourself and this will not look great in the photos either.

You will feel more positive and refreshed, so spend time having a shave and do not rush it.

Tip Number 4: Make Up

Now this one does apply to both male and females because for men, you can get make up that takes away the redness in your face.


Our make up artist loves using this product on any males in our photo shoots. Obviously the guys are not so keen and end up using a baby wipe to take the make up off after the photos have been taken.

However the key thing to note is that you wouldn’t know that any of the guys were wearing make up, but it makes a huge difference in the camera.


For the ladies, please make sure you dont over do it with the make up, its not a glam shoot its about looking naturally amazing. Our make up artist starts with the basic covering that even for ladies that do not really wear make up, this is very light foundation and again works magic in the camera.

Please make sure you blend your make up if you are doing it yourself, so there are no obvious lines that show up in the photos like a bad tan line.

If you do want a full on glam/fashion shoot, then we can do that for you as well.


Tip Number 5: Freshen Up Your Clothes

Plan out what you will be wearing in advance of your shoot.

Wash it, iron it and hang it up the night before the shoot. Try not to be ironing it on the day of the shoot, because you can guarantee something will go wrong on the day.

If you wear a suit, then invest in a good dry cleaners to freshen it up.


Also if you are in a team of people who will be taking part in the photo shoot, try to be on brand or not too over powering to everyone else’s clothes, if you don’t get supplied uniform.

Bonus Tip: Give Yourself Time


On the day of the photo shoot, everything that could go wrong for you, may delay you and cause you to get hot and bothered. The kids not getting up, a flat battery, traffic, transport delays, your parking space has been taken or there is a long queue for the morning coffee fix.

So just give yourself an extra 15 minutes on the day of your shoot. Leave the house 15 minutes earlier then what you would normally do to be on time.

You will then show up super early to your place of work but you can be stress free and relaxed while everyone else around you is losing their marbles.


So I hope that helps when you are getting ready for your next photo shoot. If you would like to see how we are making people look awesome and helping businesses to standout, then check our work below.


How We Make People Look Awesome


Creating Bright Images