EFCIS Bexley Team Photos

Todays post was all about Team Head Shots and Group Photos.

Team photos are always interesting.

It becomes one big puzzle that I need to piece together.

Is everyone looking their best, is the background good, are their clothes hanging in the right place, does the image flow well and have we got them lit well?

These guys were the best and really got into the idea of making them look the best they could for the new office space announcement and marketing they was going to be doing around the team in sidcup.

So we needed to create some new head shots for the team.

I always like to give clients the option of a plain background and an environmental background.

Looking around the office I found a nice plant to move into this background and we used the window to back light the team and bring something more exciting to the photo than a plain background.

Offering a Pure White background to clients is important because when printing the images or having them on your website, you want your whites to be white and not the off yellow/grey colour that can devalue your brand.

We also created some nice bright and clean office shots for the client to use in a press release for the new location they had just moved to.

We then went through a few different set ups for the team photo. The aim is to always create something different.

I actually spend more time moving people around and adjusting how each person looks and fits into the group image, than I do actually taking photos.

Like I said before, its all one big puzzle piece and so important that the client loves the finished results.

So if you have a team and need to update your head shots and group photos - then get in touch so we can make you and your team look awesome!

Thank you to the amzing Danielle and her team at EFCIS Bexley, it was a pleasure to work with you all.

EFCIS Bexley - EFCIS is a multi-award winning, leading FCA registered and independent specialist Trade Credit Insurance Broker. We provide a range of services and consultancy advice to assist multinationals to SMEs to trade on open account credit terms with increased payment certainty.

Whilst Trade Credit Insurance is at the heart of our offering and is undoubtedly what we have become internationally renowned for, it is by no means the only string to our bow because clients need and want more from their providers. With the pandemic dealing a body blow to many businesses, we are now making these client-developed services – including MaxCredit and bespoke Debtor Risk Score Cards – available for the first time to all businesses that supply goods or services to other businesses on open account terms. They are of real, measurable benefit to the SME looking for growth in the UK and overseas.

The biggest asset of most companies is the money owed to them from customers. We recognise that working capital is not just about securing loans from your bank. Good credit and risk management plus the tools we have developed can improve your non-bank working capital, by improving efficiency whilst generating increased profit.  

If you are interested in protecting your biggest asset and striving for growth, please contact us https://www.efcis.com


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